Come and join the Annual Sea Sunday Service on Clovelly quay, 8th July

Sea Sunday Service.

Piracy, shipwreck, abandonment and separation from loved ones are just a few of the problems that merchant seafarers face. The Mission to Seafarers provides help and support to the 1.5 million men and women around the world. They can face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat.

HRH The Princess Royal is Patron of the Shipwrecked Fishermen and Mariners’ Royal Benevolent Society. It started with the tragic loss of 9 fishing vessels and 21 men at Clovelly in 1838 during the reign of Queen Victoria. This prompted the Charity’s formation the following year.
HRH came to Clovelly in 2014 to unveil the plaque commemorating its 175th Anniversary on the quay.

Blog by Lucy Halliday, Head Gardener

Clovelly Court Gardens

It’s a scorcher with lots of lovely sunshine although as gardeners we always think about how little rain we are getting too! The weather was certainly warm for our mammoth effort to take all the stunning hanging baskets from Merry Harriers down into the village. We were lucky to have help from two volunteers or this would not have been possible. Each basket weighed in excess of 20kg. And with trailing plants all around, had to be lovingly carried by hand to their hooks along the cobbles. We are all proud of the results.

We have brightened the terraces this week with colourful bedding in the stone urns. The Red Lion has also seen the return of its traditional deep red in the form of some joyous pelargoniums and begonias in its planters and window boxes.

Britain in Bloom

Strimming the wonderful wild flowers back to keep them coming next year on the drive continues as we aim to manage this big job around the Britain in Bloom work and our exciting work with the BBC. We had filming in the walled garden with myself and Sous Chef, Zach Broad, all afternoon last Thursday and it was great to showcase all we are doing for the Britain in Bloom effort.

Clovelly Kitchen Gardens

In the walled garden lots of crops have still been going in. We’ve seen the addition of leeks, onions, basil and our collection of Oca. We have 40 of these which are part of the Guild of Oca Breeders trial. They have already become an interesting talking point for visitors.

Work in the glasshouses has continued. The Black Hamburg grapes have received attention to keep them pruned back while they remain under boards as part of the renovation of their glasshouse.

Most exciting of all are the first glimpses of this season’s produce. The courgettes and tomatoes forming, lettuces and broad bean pods filling out and the apricots beginning to turn golden.

The juggle continues but we are very pleased that so much of the garden is now filled with burgeoning produce.

Bude Marathon Run, 9th June

A tidal wave of Trail running – the Tsunami series of Trail races – Puretrail (UK).

The most rugged, wild and remote section of the North Devon and Cornish coastline was chosen for some extreme fun along the clifftops and cliff trails.

Starting at 9am from Clovelly harbour, about 70 runners raced up the steep cobbled street through the village. They then joined the Coast Path going through the Yellary to Hartland Point – 10.5 miles. And then 16 miles to Castle Bude.

The Ultra Marathon (36.5 miles) started from Westward Ho! at 7am (and passed by Clovelly, racing along Hobby Drive). Another Marathon (23 miles) started from East Titchberry at 11am, both ending at Castle Bude.
A total of 200 runners enrolled for the three start points – an increase of 80 on the inaugural year number of 120.

These races are undoubtedly some of the toughest Trail running challenges in the South West. Due to the nature of the terrain – it’s wild and isolated along the route – they will also prove to be the most rewarding.

Live music at the harbour 

This weekend, enjoy the sounds of live local bands on the harbour.  

Friday 26th July | Joy Machine – 6pm onwards

Saturday 27th July | Three Pint Rule – 7pm onwards